Subscriptions Subscribing to “Pietro Di Biasi Amici del Cuore” Association and joining our activities is easy: please fill in the form and proceed to a donation – a symbolical one will be enough – following the info on page Support the Association. The subscription to the Association is on an annual basis (calendar year). SUBSCRIPTION AS AN ORDINARY MEMBER 2025 First Name ?Last Name ?Date of birth Town of birth Province of birth State of birth Town of residence State of residence Address of residence Phone number E-mail ?Verify e-mail ? having seen the Articles and Regulations of the Association; sharing the democratic nature of the structure and the gratuity of its free social roles; being aware of the gratuity of the services offered by its members (except for the refund of the advance expenses in the Association’s name, which were previously authorized by the Governing Council, or, if expected, by the President of the Government Council, or if absent or unable, by the Vice President of the Government Council); being aware of the social purposes the Association promotes; declaring to assume any civil and penal responsibility coming from possible damages caused to people, animals and things, both accidentally and due to the infraction of the rules displayed in the Charter and the Regulations above mentioned. I Ask to subscribe to "Pietro Di Biasi Amici del Cuore" Association as a member for the year 2025, by previously paying the annual joining fee of: 5 x 1000 Donation ,00 € SponsorshipObject: Informed consent of personal data. I hereby authorize the processing of my personal data in relation to the Italian Legislative Decree n. 196/2003. I give my consent Powered By ChronoForms -